Learnings In jeder Organisation oder in jedem Team existiert eine bestimmte Kultur, Bräuche oder ungeschriebene Gesetze, die den Mitgliedern häufig gar nicht (mehr) bewusst sind (da sie täglich gelebt werden). Diese Übung macht bewusst und erlebbar, wie sich diese Kultur auf die Integration eines neuen Teammitglieds auswirken kann. Anzahl Teilnehmer mindestens drei Teams mit...
Visual Goal Setting: Cover Story
A while ago a client was working on an internal product. This tool is used to measure the SEO-Performance of one of the largest online shops in the world to subsequently derive actions that boost SEO performance. It seemed to me that the team had lost its direction. Their product vision sounded very general, vague...
Multitasking Infection
I developed the game Multitasking Infection to show managers that multitasking can have severe effects not only to themselves but especially to their teams. in addition this game aims to make anyone aware of the negative effects and how to deal with them successfully. Multitasking Infection is now online. The slides from my session at...